The holiday season is upon us and soon we will clinck glasses to welcome 2020. Many of us will use the occasion to look back on the year that is on its way out, reminisce and maybe reevaluate what goals we have set and what we have actually acchieved and where our good intentions remained just that – good intentions.
Statistics say that not even ten percent of all New Year’s resolution taken are keept beyond a few weeks. How can we make sure that we are among those ten percent? One way is to get pressure off the New Year’s Resolution making and enhance the chance of actually moving into new habits by starting small and starting now.
You have been living in Switzerland now some weeks, months or even years. You often regrett that you do not speak or understand more German. You know you would feel more at home and that it would help you professionally as well. Communication is at the core of meaningful human relationships and language is key to understand the host culture better. And besides, learing a language is one of the five most mentioned themes for New Year’s Resolutions. Yet, as it is, there is no need to wait. You can get started right now.